viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

Historia de un letrero. Tampico en Cannes

Au total, 650 cinéastes de 40 pays ont soumis leur film à la Compétition en ligne de l'ONF lorsqu'ils se sont inscrits au Short Film Corner de Cannes. Le spécialiste en court métrage Danny Lennon, responsable de la programmation de la compétition en ligne cette année, a sélectionné les neuf meilleurs films que vous avez eu l'occasion de visionner sur le site pendant la période du vote international, du 9 au 19 mai. Ce mini-festival proposait des œuvres éclectiques — animation, scènes réelles, comédie, tragédie et drame — réalisées par des cinéastes de France, d'Allemagne, des Pays-Bas, de Roumanie, du Mexique, des États-Unis et du Canada.
Et le gagnant est... And the winner is... Y el ganador es...
Alonso Alvarez Barreda
por su cortometraje
Duración : 4m50s
Año : 2007
País : Mexico
I really liked this video, this square its one of my favorite places in the city.
Aunque callo un poco en el cliché de hacer tomas a las palomas, la ardilla, palmeras etc, me encanto el video y su mensaje.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2008

Journée mondiale du Théâtre, 27 mars 2008 World Theatre Day, March 27th 2008

I want to share this video, it is very special for me, I've seen it so many times because the place where it was filmed it's a very special place for me, I use to spend a lot of time there, that's the place when me and my friends used to go when we skip classes when I was in highschool, and it's a place where I go sometimes with my cousins and we sat there to chat with my aunt who is in USA by using my laptop, anyway I have so many memories of this square. It's the one that appears at the beginning of the video, where is a pink Kiosk.
If you speak Spanish you'll understand what they're talking about but if you don't let me explain you what is about, it's a celebration of the WORLD THEATRE DAY which was created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community. Various national and international theatre events are organized to mark this occasion. Since last year in Tampico there's some kind of parade which starts at Plaza de Armas and finishing at Espacio Cultural Metropolitano which organizes this event.
I couldn't put the video in my blog but here's the link of the report of the event, so you can watch it:

Une nuit, dans des temps immémoriaux, un groupe d’hommes s’étaient rassemblés dans une carrière pour se réchauffer autour d’un feu et se raconter des histoires. Quand tout à coup, l’un d’eux eut l’idée de se lever et d’utiliser son ombre pour illustrer son récit. En s’aidant de la lumière des flammes, il fit apparaître sur les murs de la carrière des personnages plus grands que nature. Les autres, éblouis, y reconnurent tour à tour le fort et le faible, l’oppresseur et l’oppressé, le dieu et le mortel.

De nos jours, la lumière des projecteurs a remplacé le feu de joie initial et la machinerie de scène, les murs de la carrière. Et n’en déplaise à certains puristes, cette fable nous rappelle que la technologie est à l’origine même du théâtre et qu’elle ne doit pas être perçue comme une menace, mais comme un élément rassembleur.

La Guarda's re-opening on April 25th @ 8:oo pm (besides Casa de la Cultura, Tampico)
"The theatre of the Shadows", Alternative Theatre's Voice.
Be there!

Nobody likes Emos

Nobody likes nobody, you can't be a little bit different or you'll be segregated, that's not only happening with Emos this has been happening since a long time ago, but it just have been changing from one social groups to another, discrimination it's as old as the life in the world can be, there's not a fight against them because they "think that everything in life sucks and they think they got lot of issues" they don't. If they look depressed it's just the way they show to the world, actually I have Emo friends, and believe me, they're not all the time under depression, and on the other hand I have "normal"( try defining normal) friends who also feel depressed sometimes, they may suffer more, because they don't express it and they don't give themselves a time to heal... we all have issues and we think our problems are the worst than can happen to someone in life, but guess what, other's problems are as bad as ours.
What if they're just a mix of some other crews, I mean in a world where everything may be already created, what can some new groups do to trying to be different, and if you think they took some features from other groups, well those groups also took something from some others, it's the same no one created nothing new, it was already created.
If you think you're in the mood to discriminate someone, look at yourself in the mirror and they try it, you'll notice there's a feature in you as discriminatory as any other.
I'm not telling you discrimination is good, No! I'm telling you to think of yourself instead of trying to look what others are doing wrong.

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

What to ask to a Mexican and how to do it.

With this every day more and more globalized world, you can find someone from the other side of the world, just around the corner, well Mexicans love to travel, I'm sure you've seen one, you've met one, or maybe you married one! (Good choice).
If you haven't had the chance to meet one boy or girl from México here I give you a little questionnaire for you who live out of this beautiful country for the time you met a Mexican, this are some good questions to do, you'll find very interesting stuff in each answers (every Mexican know this answers).
How many tortillas you eat per day? Why?
How many Coca-Cola you drink per day?
Have you ever sang Paquita la del Barrio's songs? Which one do you prefer?
What is "El canal de las estrellas"?
Ask him/her to sing you a "ranchera" song.
What is a "tamarindo" and a "mordida"?
Who's "La Llorona"?
What happened always at Sundays on the 90's?
What's on TV every Sunday morning on channel 4?
Ask him to sing "Oh oh Digo yo"
For today it's enough, I'll give you more questions next time, so you can get to know more about México.

(Not so) Famous (Not) Last (I hope) Words

This course on my major is ending, "Time flies when you have fun" even though I may not have thousands of posts on my blog, I really enjoyed doing this as a School task, it really worked for me, since I started posting I've been improving my writing skills, and looking for some new words to use on my compositions, I even downloaded a software to help me with the posting process to make it faster and easier.
Maybe I'm not ready for writing a novel, but at least I've improved so much since January, what my ESL Teacher told me was (obviously) true, a fact, there's nothing like practice in order to improve.
I don't know how's going to be my next ESL course on my major, I may not going to have the same teacher, but I hope to have a very experienced and proficient professor as the one I had this semester.
I'm not going to quit posting, I've seen lots of blogs left behind on the Internet, they look like trash while I'm surfing the Internet, I'm sure I don't want to do the same with my blog, that's why I've decided to keep posting even if it's also in Spanish it's ok for me, maybe one day I'll start doing it in french.

How long since you don´t...?

How long since you don't go to the theatre? How long since you don't give you the chance to appreciate a play? How long since you don't experiment all that magic growing on stage?
This time you have the chance to experiment lots of feelings, let me tell you about this work, "El Bigote" (de esta clase de amores...) produced by Demiurgos Theatre Company, it's the story of a couple, which rely on each other, they became a couple which are only interested on looking good, on being beautiful, as if they became oneself, both looking for the same, both hiding something.... something that you'll discover on 19th april, at Casa de la Cultura Tampico, you can't miss this chance to see a different way of looking yourself as a couple, even if you're single it'll make you think about the way you look at other couples.
What does a mustache mean to you?
Manhood? virility?
This play is everything but that, in this case you may think everything is wrong, but it's not, maybe you'll discover there's no more Adam and Eve's couple type nowadays, the couple of this act fights against some things that not all couples fight against, but believe me, they're not that much different from other couples you already know, or the kind of person you are when you're with your partner.
The Demiurgos Theatre Company's slogan is "Creadores de Mundos Escénicos", which describes them so accurately and with "El Bigote", its opera prima, the group will show to everyone what they're made of, working hard on the rehearsals, and with excellent performances, this play will give you the chance to criticize their work. I can't tell you how it ends, you'll have to give it a shot, so be there on 19th April, at Casa de la Cultura Tampico, at 7:40 pm.

You won't regret.

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008

Tampico is like New York City #1

I've always thought that Tampico it's like New York City, well in very different sizes, but the same, we have our own Central Park (which is getting better thanks to the promotion and the investment of the actual governorship on it) called "Laguna del Carpintero" [Carpenter's Lagoon] we also have our own Saint Patrick's Church, The Cathedral of Tampico, I love its interior, it's bigger and it's amazing every detail on the ceiling I mean it's like Cathedral of Tampicowatching the space and see all the stars clearly, all the images of saints, sculptures on the faҫade and the mural at the top of the entrance, those two columns and the english clock in one of them is very stylish that totally amazing. Both cities are surrounded by a river, in the case of New York City there is the Hudson River, and here in Tampico City we have de Panuco River.

I've never been in Manhattan (not yet) but I can think of lots more similarities between NYC and Tampico, the Barrio Chino here in Tampico it's like China Town in NYC.Pepito

We don't have a Liberty Lady to receive our visitors, but at least we have "Pepito el Terrestre" to keep oneself amused, actually I've noticed that there are lots of new statues in Downtown, unfortunately I don't have pictures to prove this but I remember all of them, there are two in the main street, the one which is in front of Sears, we have "Pepito el Terrestre" on The Plaza de Armas and at the Plaza de la Libertad (Liberty Square) we have a Soldier as in a position ready to attack, there is also the statue of Humphrey Bogart in front of

this famous square in some kind of tribute to the movie "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" filmed in Tampico (at least a few scenes), more recently the statue of Porfirio Díaz (former president of México) in the balcony of a café in front of the same square. All this statues all over the city reminds me to the ones placed in Manhattan, at Central Park.

Translator's Tools

  Salut! I want to talk about what makes my life as a translator easier. As you may know I'm a Freelance Translator, I'm in my early days as a translator so I'm still learning a lot of translation stuff and tips that makes me do my work faster and accurately, since I gain more experience DSC00494 on how-to do translations  I decided that I needed a better PC in which I could have the latest programs for helping me to translate and do it on time for the deadline.

I had a few months waiting for buy me a Lap but a trip to Guanajuato came up, so I had to save that money for the trip, the tickets, the hotel, but ... something happened and I couldn't  make it to Guanajuato so I stayed in Tampico, since I got frustrated because all my plans about visiting and staying in Guanajuato fell down, then I thought about something to forget about that and I went to the stores and look for a LapTop to buy me, so I did it, I went to a few department stores and I chose a Laptop as a gift to recover me from that fail.

   It actually works very good and it has been the best thing I could ever bought me, I already have a Desktop PC  in my house and I used to surf the net every time I wanted, but having a Laptop makes all the difference, it has some awesome tools and works like magic, it has a webcam, a 160 HDD, DVD Drive, it's faster, and I can take it everywhere (which I do every time I need to continue  with my work) this is the be-all-and-end-all, every time I need something I discover that my PC can help me with it, sounds like I have a Laptop crush (LOL!), but it's true... well stop talking about my computer and let's continue with my other tools that make my life as a freelance translator easier...

    There in the picture you can DSC00516see my All-in-One HP Photosmart which is the latest purchase I did and it's totally helpful, sometimes I scan a whole document and that way I don't have to carry the papers with me anymore, because I can check the digital document instead.

By now I'm trying to get a BlackBerry Pearl by Iusacell and that way I could have access to the internet everywhere, which is a good way to stay in touch with people that may ask for a translation via e-mail

...I want to thank my old PC because of its help, it has seen better days but now with my Laptop, I don't use it anymore...

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008

Too much spare time...

   Oh God... This days has been very productive, since I'm used to wake up very early in the morning and I don't have classes at my college, rehearsals of the play and my french course my days are longer than usual, I even came up with a new schedule just-for-spring-break-time which consists in trying to make good use of the whole day.

   In the "morning" from 6:30 am to 2:30 PM I try to use this time to do some advance in my Thesis about translation, writing on my records to move on this project and get a good advance for the time when I come back to school and then it could be a little bit hard to put more time on it, more than just an hour, some reading of french to revise my weakness on the grammar, and all those kinds of thing that keep me in front of my desk.

    In the "afternoon" from 2:30PM to 11:00PM... when I get a bit tired of being in front of my Lap or my books, then I go outside to my backyard and walk the dog or I just take a shower if I don't have any appointment then I watch TV, I like Warner Channel Primetimes, I even have a schedule of the broadcasting  of different TV channels from 9:00 to 11:00, my favorite shows are "Without a Trace","Big Bang Theory", "Gossip Girl", "Moonlight"  and from Universal Channel I like "Heroes", "Brothers and Sisters","Dr. House" and this new show called "Greek", each one has its pros and cons, but all are good enough for those nights when I stay at home.

  For my weekends I don't plan nothing, so I have the chance to go for a last minute plan.

  I plan it this way because according to what I've read it's better to study during the morning, because you're mind is more like a sponge which absorbs everything better after have a good night of sleeping, and there's no way I can go out of my house early in the morning, there's nothing open in the city, and TV's programing it's only about old episodes.

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008

Are You Ready For Spring Break??

Well, here in Tampico we have our personal way to celebrate the beginning of Spring Break, you guys from Tampico should have heard about the "Playazo", I'm pretty sure that if you're from Tampico, or you've been living here for a while, you have went to the beach on the last day of classes previous to the Spring Break (here in México called Semana Santa), and this year starts since March (according to the Wednesday's Ashes and something else that I really don't understand why it starts on a different date each year... I'll Google it later)

Everybody who's planning to go to the beach tomorrow, should take into account how is going to skip their classes and hide it from their parents, actually is a well-known secret by all the parents that their sons & daughters no matter if they're from high school, or college, they are going to try to skip their classes to go to the beach, this is like a celebration which has a few years (well, maybe it's older), I don't even remember how it made so famous than almost any school has students on this day (and there are some schools that don't work on this day), because the "Playazo" consists in skipping only the last day of classes for going just to the beach, so you might imagine how is the beach full of guys and girls, some of them even ask for a permission to their parents LOL, since it gain more and more famous or, to speak more accurately, promotion, more students come to the beach that day every year, and that's why the Madero City Police Department has increased the security of the Boulevard, because you know what happens when you gather beer and young people.

Well not all in the "Playazo" is bad, there are also people having fun without needing alcohol, some of them just play, dance, eat like in a picnic, or walk around.

On the previous day (today) everyone calls you to know whom you're going with, where you're going to stay at the beach, or where are you going after. Who knows... maybe there'll be a day when you'll be able to buy postcards with the legend "Have a nice Playazo" or something like that, because it seems like this event becomes more and more famous, and a lot of people from Monterrey and another cities come to the Miramar beach on this day just to celebrate with loud music, beer and sometimes food. So I invite you to come to Madero City this March 14th to start the Spring Break, if you want to have fun and meet thousands of people. 

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

My first eBook reading.

Since in a class as a project our teacher gave us some chapters of the Scarlet Letter to us for giving a little explanation about it and present it to the class, I got a lot of interest in the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne, I became amazed of the story, and it was hard to understand the whole story with reading only a few chapters, so I went to the Internet looking for the whole story, I knew what I was looking for, actually I've downloaded from the Internet a few scripts of plays and musicals, so I was trying to find the whole book of the story of Hester, then I found an amazing thing called "Adobe Digital Editions" and being part of Adobe, uses the same kind of system for files and it seems like you have a sheet Scarlet Letter Adobe of a book in the screen and if you want you can make it bigger so you can clearly see the letters, then after finding this program I went to download the eBook of The Scarlet Letter, and since page number one until the end, through its 24 chapters, I couldn't stop reading , it took me almost the whole weekend until Monday morning when I finished the eBook and I was totally amazed for the story, and then I noticed that, for the first time in my life, I've read an eBook, well I'm impressed.

This program is supposed to be used in Palms or some kind of device like that for reading eBooks, but I think I'll keep it in my Lap, by now I've downloaded some other eBooks.

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2008

My experience on stages.

   Since I like to be involved in the stage, two weeks ago I was asking for a chance to start a new project on theatre, and by this day I have three proposals, I didn’t even noticed the moment when I had accepted the 3 projects and now I'm thinking of reject at least one.

   It’s going to be hard for me to decide which one I will reject, my first proposal is in a play starred by a very good friend of mine who asked me for help in technical assistance, my second option is to work with one of the most prominent directors in theatre for kids here in Tampico, and because of I know the way she works and her passion for this art, I have wanted to work with her since I met her last year and at last but not at least my third proposal is a huge production, I’ve never been in a musical and it seems to be a new challenge for me and a way of learning a lot of new things from a director with the one I’ve never worked before, it’s hard for me to reject this proposal because it’s a kind of theatre that I’ve never experimented.

    The first thing I have to do is to consider the pros and cons of each project and then reject one, there’s no way I can work on the three stages, it’ll be hard to attend all of them, I will not have the enough time for each one while I’m attending to school, last year on school time, the rehearsals took many time from my days and it was only one play!, in order to make it well on at least two I have to reject one.

    But I really don’t want to give away with any option, actually on one option I'll be working backstage and without need of memorizing any dialogues, moves or characters and if I really want to be on the other two plays I’ll have to accept minor character roles, by doing that I will not have too many responsibilities. I’m good at managing my time, I think I can handle it, that way I could learn many things from each project at the same time.

martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

What would Julie Andrews have done?

   Since the moment I decided to attend the casting I was totally sure that I was not going to sing, I mean even though it was a MUSICAL the casting I was attending to, I was totally sure that nothing in this world will make me sing, I'm not a good at singing, believe me. Actually I was attending but not for trying to get one of the main roles because of my schedule will not let me, I'm not able to rehearse 2 hours a day with them, by this moment, I'm already attending to school from  3:00 to 9:00 PM from Monday to Friday and they rehearse from 5:30 to 7:30 PM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Unfortunately I can't make it and no way I'm going to skip classes, in fact spring break is coming, so I'll have the chance to get up-to-date with every detail of the development of the play.

   It's a shame that I don't have time to be in the beginning of this production, it's exciting for me to start a new project, the very first reading of the script, working on your character to take the idea of another person, both literally (the initial conception of the writer) and figuratively (the ACTOR'S own notion of a character), to give meaning to each dialogue, make it your own and get in touch with your role, etc.

   I enjoy ever time I get into a new project, and I decided to stay in this even though I know I don't have the enough time to see it how it starts and takes the form that is going to be presented to the audience, I'll do everything just to be there and stayed involved on it, because I totally like everything about theatre.

  The Director was very supportive with me, he gave me the chance of attend to the rehearsals when possible for me, and I told him that at summer vacation I'll be there full time.

Book Report

   I read  Se Reanuda  la Actuación by Richard Deming, it's a story about  Juan and Juanita whom used to be part of a circus with an acrobatic performance until he had an accident and his legs got broken, they used to be called “The Chabanellas” but since the accident he is in on a wheelchair, and they work doing a show of psychic, where Juan reads the mind of his audience, they’re doing this to earn enough money for an operation for Juan which is going to help him walk one more time.  There is also Mack a 40 years old man, strong, and with a sinister face, Carl Bremer who is the innkeeper of the hotel, a strong, and old man, owner of the Mercer (the hotel where the Chabanellas are staying) and Helen Bremer a slim, intelligent, and mature women, married with Carl.

   When Juanita Chabanella discovers the treat between Carl, Helen, and Mack in the kitchen of the  Mercer Hotel, the conflict begins because they are not going to let her go without first make sure that Juanita is not going to tell what she knows to the police. Juan tries to make a deal with them, if Mack let them go they won’t say nothing to the police but they will have to give a part of the money to Juan and Juanita, a part of the money that Kleinbeck paid for free his little son Freddy, who was kidnapped by Carl, when they left the room, Juanita looks for a telephone but there are telephone in her room so she ask Juan a coin for the telephone which is in the aisle of the hotel in her same floor, so she left the room looking for the telephone and then she dials 911, but before she can talk with the police, Helen takes the fire axe which is at the other side of the aisle, and breaks the telephone, giving the chance to Juanita of running to her room and lock the door after her,

   Then while Mack and Carl were trying to break into the room, Juanita dresses up with her old acrobatic suit and look for a cable to jump to, after the approbation of Juan, she sits in the edge of the window and by the time Mack opens the door and he and Carl enter to the room and Juanita jumps to the nearest cable, then they get closer to the window to see what happened, and they see Juanita hanging of the cable, and then she jumps to the floor and fells without any difficult. Just in time the police came and Juanita tells them what had happened, that was the signal that make Mack and Carl run from the Chabanella’s room trying to escape, and this is the end of the story.

   It’s a nice story with an unpredictable ending, I think it could have a better ending or a more interesting plot, the author left me with the idea of what could have happened after Juanita could tell to the police everything she had passed trough while she and her husband were kidnapped by Mack and Carl, what happened with Juan’s leg operation? Did the police caught Mack, and Carl?

martes, 19 de febrero de 2008

Ctrl + Z

     I'm the kind of guy which prefers to spend his time in front of the PC rather that watching TV, that's why I bought me a LapTop and I'm totally sure that's why I need lenses. Yes, I like to spend my free time on the internet doing a lot of things and by now I have a blog, a Myspace, my own web site, my account on Flickr, YouTube, Polyglot, Hi5, Facebook, Google, My Yahoo, Hotmail, Messenger, MSN Live and  subscriptions to the New York Times, Men's Health, Tampico Cultural, Play Montreal, BBC languages, MSN Groups, I even have a Metroflog which I deem as a waste of time if you take into account that you can only upload a picture a day! ...well this time I'm not going to write about that, I'll complain about it later.

    The thing is that I've spent a lot of time using a computer for translating, editing pictures, sending e-mails, chatting with pen pals, doing my homework, listening to music, watching videos, surfing the web, and everything you can work on with a computer I've done it, so I'm very used to the using of tools and shortcuts to make it easier my working on a computer and sometimes a unusual thing happens to me, as you may know, when you make a mistake when working with the computer you just push keyboards Ctrl and Z and your mistake is gone, as if it has never happened,  Wouldn't you like to be able to do this on the real life? By just pushing a bottom redo something...

   I mean sometimes I think of it and I wish it could be possible, there was a time when I was talking with someone face to face and then I call her by the name of his not-best-friend and I was so ashamed that I could only think of   "Ctrl + Z" ... obviously nothing happened, I have to face what I've done.  Let's think  of another example... once I was very hungry, and then I started cooking some pancakes, a minute later my cell phone rang and I went to answer the call, It took me too much time talking on the phone that the pancake got burned and I instantly said to myself  "Ctrl + Z"... God, I was so hungry!

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008

My personal beliefs about superstitions

I can handle not checking my horoscope in the morning and I still can have a perfect day without worrying me about it, there are some other things that can take my day out of order but not missing my horoscope of the day, I'm not very superstitious but...well there is something that I believe in very bad,  DON'T TALK ABOUT MY FUTURE PROJECTS WITH OTHERS, it may sounds ridiculous but I avoid to do it, every time I tell to others about what I'm into, my plans never get done!, I don't care about cats walking toward me, or breaking mirror, I don't have any problem with that but when talking about my plans getting undone, that really upsets me.

I don't have a very scientific thinking but there are some silly things that I don't believe in such as wear amber beads around the neck to be protected against illness, gee! how could that  be possible?? I'm very critical, I'm always trying to see both sides of a situation and that's what think makes me the less superstitious.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

I think I'm good at learning languages

Since I earn more fluency on my English, French was my first attempt at speaking another  language. Of course, being in Tampico I knew it was going to be a little bit hard, because I wasn't going to have the same exposure to French language that I have with English, so I enrolled into a French course at my college.  My teacher has been very effective in maintaining interest in the language, and I've been having a good time learning French during this weeks, I've only been studying for three weeks because my course started in January, and I take classes only on Saturdays, I know I'm learning a lot, when my class finishes I'm just waiting for it during the whole week. I decided to take French because I liked the language and I wanted to use all those teaching methods and techniques that I've learn at my college with myself, by keep on learning French being my own teacher when I'm not at class.

I'm also trying to catch courses and tips of learning french from the Internet, has been a very useful tool, and I've found myself some other good websites with interesting information, such as, which is in english and is  not from france, but gives me a lot of facts about the living of the french community in Montreal, has some lessons for beginners in the language, has a lot of podcasts about many topics in french, I've tried the local radio podcasts, it's awesome, you must try it!... I'll give you some others on a next post...

martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

I really like blogging.

Actually I like to have a blog, it is a very useful tool and since I have my own blog, now I'm trying to meet people with the same interests on translation and languages that I have and whom also have a blog.

I like to write about anything... I may consider myself as a "natural" writer, I like to write about what's happening in my life, write about how I'm dealing with problems, about people, the developing of my new ideas.. everything.

What I like the most is to read the things I wrote on the last years, because it's like see myself from a different perspective,

I think I will not stop blogging for a while. There are so many blogs left in the Internet, it looks to me like buildings which are not finished yet, like a structure that was left after the construction started. I guess it depends on your motivation for maintaining a blog and what it's about, because if you don't have nothing interesting to talk about, you'll quit with it soon. I write mine for a very basic and personal reason: to keep track of the things that interest me. They may not be interesting to anybody else. If other readers find my blog worth-visiting, I feel flattered. I do my best every time I write a new post, I mean I want it to look good and to make it interesting... well, I don't spend thousand hours a day on it, because there are other things that I need to do, and this is only a blog after all, it is not the New York Times, I mostly do it on my free time, I try to make each post interesting and easy-to-read.

Since I started whit this blog as a school task, I've been reading a lot, I've been reading more and more, not only about grammar rules but about languages, science, health, history, literature, and a tons of other topics that across my path when surfing the web, and when something new come up to me, I look for it's meaning and usage, and then I add it into my own glossary, that's the best way I know to improve my vocabulary, because there are some things that people from America use a lot when they speak, but that will never appear on a ESL book no matter how modern or actualized it is.

Keep on blogging!!!

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

Tampico City

    The municipality of Tampico is located at the south-eastern end of the state of Tamaulipas. It borders to the south with the state of Veracruz connected by the Tampico Bridge and to the west with the State of San Luis Potosi. To the north it borders with the municipality of Altamira, which is my hometown, and to the east with Madero City, forming these three cities together what is known as the Metropolitan Zone, sharing some of its services and businesses, educational and cultural activities, as well as employment sources.
    Nowadays, the municipal government has joined forces with the state government are working together in a Project called  the “Mega–Proyecto Laguna del Carpintero” that includes the construction of a convention center, an aquarium, a hotel and a shopping mall.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

My Top 5 of the best antidepressants.

I want to share with you The Top Five of the best Antidepressants that I know, and notice that Prozac and Valium aren't included here, actually I don't believe in medicines to cure something like depression. Everything is in our minds, and we can control our own body, and get what we want for our lifes. Try it!!

Well here we go...On the number Five If you like going out at night you're like me, once you get ready to go out at night to your favorite club, you already feel it. In my own case I start feeling different and I can even feel the energy and the emotion of going out with friends or whoever, once you're at the club, the music makes you move and forget about everything, I don't even need any drink to feel excited and keep it going all night long.

On the number Four of my top list, there is an afternoon doing gardening work, I used to garden early in the morning and I spend at least 30 minutes in gardening and in evening 15 minutes for watering all the plants I have it at my frontyard and backyard, I feel good when I have done it,I love the fresh air, I love working with my hands and making things grow.

In the middle of this list, on the number Three is the amazing SUNLIGHT, it may sound ridiculous but it's true, if you feel like you need some little bit of energy you just need to turn off TV, stop a bit with your work or house chores and go out to take a deep breath and feel the sunlight in all your skin and instantly you'll feel how the energy of the sun makes you feel better, this is totally true, haven't you notice what happens with a plant when doesn't catch enough sunlight for a few days... well that's the same that happen to us, If you lack sufficient sunlight on your skin, you will suffer terrible health effects, including depression, osteoporosis, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and even schizophrenia. That's because the human body was designed to be exposed to sunlight on a frequent basis. So in case you can't visit go to the beach for a few hours, at least take a break and go outdoors. Don't you believe me? Then check this.

On my number Two of this list I consider that have a long chat with a closer friend, there's nothing you can hide to your best friend, at least I think like this, once I gather with my best friend, I can tell him everything, it's good to have someone who cheers you up when you feel so blue.

And finally, Workout is on the top of my list... There's nothing better than workout on the mornings, once I've started my day running in the park, or going to the gym, there's nothing that can let me down during the whole day, I don't even know how to describe the sensation I had after finish my rutine every day. The whole day seems to be totally amazing, I can face anything after my daily Workout session. Actually I'm not the only one who consider workout as a good antidepressant, check this.

Have you ever tried any of these?

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2008

Just My Luck

I couldn't post my previous post, so I'm writing it one more time, it said something like this:
With all the great things happening for me lately, fate was bound to soon step in and slap me around. Friday it was warm almost all day, everyone looked happy, but I didn't ended up getting happy too, plus I dropped my lap top down the stairs, I could watch it fall the whole way down - painful. Saturday was beautiful, I went to my French language course and I met some new people but when I got home something happened to my pc, and it didn't work. Sunday...forget about sunday...
So wish me luck for tomorrow, it seems like I'm going out with my cousins. I hope they can cheer me up enough to

Un traducteur chien-homme?

Vu dans les infos ce matin : "Des scientifiques hongrois travaillent à un logiciel analysant les aboiements qui pourraient permettre de mieux interpréter les émotions des chiens. Ces travaux pourraient aboutir à la commercialisation d'un appareil facilitant la communication entre le chien et l'homme."
Il y en a vraiment qui n'ont que ça à faire... Et si on réapprenait plutôt aux gens à communiquer entre eux ?

jueves, 31 de enero de 2008

Eternal Sunshine Of A Depressive Mind

1800SUICIDE This hasn't been a good week for me. I mean all has been so strange, everything so weird. I got a lot of things to feel happy for, but actually I don't feel satisfied with anything, I think I used to feel better before I came back to school, but now when I can start with all those projects that I have made up for this semester... there's no inspiration or motivation in me to star with those ideas I had. Some weeks before, well I was thinking "I have a new year launch for Making A Happy Life and I have so many ideas that I'm not even sure where to begin. *lol* With so many ideas bouncing aroud my head I couln't sleep... I am one of those that once I get my mind set up for something I just start spinning on the ideas and knows no limit to what can happen. I believe everything is possible as long as you are determined"... but these days... everything seems too be so hard... I'm not feeling well, I'm feeling like depressed...

Depression doesn't hurt I think, actually I think we've all been there at some stage, no matter who you are, in my own case depression is caused by sleep disturbance, so if I stay awake all night long, next day I'll be anxious, depressive, mad, and so on... Actually I think is my choice to be depressed...

"Okay but how can you say Depression a Choice? Depression is real. Depression is painful. Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is a biochemically-based physiological reality that exists in the body. But this need not frighten us. If we think the thought lemon, we salivate. Salivation is a also biochemically-based physiological reality that exists in the body. We don't have to cut out or tongue or take Prozac to stop salivating. We just have to stop thinking the thought lemon. The way we stop thinking the thought lemon is to think some other thought. Thoughts cause the chemically-based physiological reality of salivation and thoughts can uncause it. Thoughts cause the chemically-based physiological reality of depression and thoughts can uncause it. Since we can choose what thoughts we think, that makes depression a choice"...MORE

I Love New York

I really love this cosmopolitan, noisy and crowded city, maybe that's what I like the most, I have a dream, as soon as I finish my degree, I want to go and live there and stay until I die, I've heard things about missing this and that from my hometown, but who cares! As soon as I enjoy my stay there and get my own piece of New York.

I don't want to run away from Tampico, No way!! Actually I also love Tampico city, I know DSC03928there's no other place where I'd rather would have liked to be born, but New York Tampico, I mean it! it's the safest city I know... I've lived and heard things and stories about some other places, and cities bigger than Tampico, and they're not as safe as Tampico is, and those other little cities which are safe, it's because they're so boring. Tampico has lots of options to go out at night, eventhough everything is closed after 4 am, but one here always has the beach as an option to keep partying.17-03-07_1700

There are many restaurants, clubs, live music & video bars, stores, parks, hotels, cinemas, colleges, and lots of places to visit in this city, from the Metropolitan Park, the Old Canseco Hospital, the Tampico's Historical Downtown, Liberty Square, The Arms' Square, The Cathedral of Tampico, Miramar Beach (which actually is in Cd. Madero only a few minutes away from Tampico's Historical Downtown).

Tampico seems to have it all in one place, it can be as crowded as New York, as peaceful as Hawaii, as romantic as Paris, and as fun as Las Vegas. Definitaley I'm glad I was b0rn here in Tampico.

domingo, 27 de enero de 2008

Feel comfortable. That's all that matters.

I totally agree with that statement, actually I think there's no other way for me to choose my clothes when I go to shop at the stores.

Even though I hate to go shopping clothes, I choose it by thinking on being comfortable, I don't care if it's the latest fashion or if it has a discount, it just has to fit perfect on me and I most feel comfortable or I won't buy it, and that's why I don't like to receive cloth on my birthday or X-mas, and if someone gifts me something that I don't like to wear, I prefer to give it to someone else instead, I'm not gonna wear something which is not gonna make me feel comfortable, no way!.

There's no need to dress up with the latest fashion if you're not gonna enjoy the moment, 'cause I think one dresses up just 4 go out and have fun, not only for being watched. As you can notice, I'm not a Fashion victim, I like to look good, but without sacrifyicing my comfortability, as I told you before, I really like to look good everytime I go out at night, just like everybody else, but without spending too much time on looking for the perfect set of cloth, trying with the latest fashion or spending too much money on buying menswear. That's not the way I'm.

jueves, 24 de enero de 2008

Je ne parle pas français.

HI there's something I wanted to say to all of my classmates, I'm trying to enrol me in a language course, you guys know I love learning languages and I hope one day I can translate from any language to spanish, and now there's a chance to study at the new UAT's language center.By now I'm gonna try french.

Have you heard that thing about languages whichsays quotes: English is for doing business, German is for doing the war, French is for making love, and Spanish is for talking to God. Well I've heard it before and I already know I had made lots of business by using english and translating this and that from english into my own language, I don't like to fight but I know I want to try german one day, I had have so many good times talking with God... and... well french, it's seems to be time to try french.

...and do you speak french?

How many time do you spend watching TV?

I don't like to spend too much time on watching TV, to tell you the truth I´d prefer to go to my backyard and walk my dog than watch soaps, movies or talk shows... I think gardening is the best way to relax even better than watch TV...
I only watch TV on saturdays and sundays, I avoid watch it on weekdays because I have a lot of things to do, my homework, some of the housework, I mean I don't need to watch an action movie, or a horror movie, there's enough action, stress and horror in my life, and that’s enough I don't need more than that.
I think everyone spends too much time in front of the TV, that is why I do not watch it. Things will change in 2009 when they switch to digital and the poor people will not be able to watch TV anymore. The the kids will have to start reading and playing games etc again. Imagine how their world will change. I hope it will be for the better and that it helps them do better in school!! ” may say I´m a dreamer...”

I think that a TV is not a good thing to have at home.

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008

I´m not ready for this semester... Not yet.

Actually I think I shouldn't be going to school this weeks, I mean it's not school time for me yet, and not for this school. I had planned to start this new year in a different city, and in a different university, but there was no chance to go to that other city and study there. So after making all those projects for my new university, I think my "mind" went there, but my body had have to stayed here. That´s why I'm not concentrated on anything these days. I really wanted to go there and study the way they do it in that university and live in another different "movie set" but I couldn't make my change to that university, so I'm still living here in Tampico... and all my goals/dreams/wishes/ and stuff for that "movie set" just break down. It's a shame but i'll recover my energy soon 'cause I also had planned a lot of things to achieve if I was going to stay in Tampico, actually I made both "agendas/schedules" one for Guanajuato and the other one for Tampico, I've started using my "Agenda Tampico" , but I'm still thinking in Guanajuato as well.

I hope to receive soon via Fedex or DHL my "mind" . Fingers crossed...

I'll fisnish telling you about this story...I'm late for school.

martes, 15 de enero de 2008

Licenciado en Idioma inglés

---Definitivamente ahora estoy seguro de una cosa… No pude haber elegido mejor carrera que la que actualmente estoy cursando, la Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés, me permite desempeñarme en el terreno laboral ya sea como maestro o traductor (dependiendo que especialidad se elija), tengo muy claro que pienso seguir a por traducción.
---Traducir de inglés a español es algo que realmente disfruto, siempre es interesante realizar la traducción de un documento, no importa la materia a tratar siempre me quedo con algo, con un aprendizaje totalmente nuevo o una nueva perspectiva de algo que ya conocía. Ya que al iniciar con la primera lectura del texto para su posterior traducción, se encuentran cosas que talvez se ignoraban del tema, y conforme uno se topa con los términos especializados de esa materia, o argot, descubro nuevos conceptos y nuevas cosas que se van quedando en la mente. Y así también con la investigación que se debe realizar para entender mas el tema a traducir, nunca esta de más aprender cosas nuevas.