viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

(Not so) Famous (Not) Last (I hope) Words

This course on my major is ending, "Time flies when you have fun" even though I may not have thousands of posts on my blog, I really enjoyed doing this as a School task, it really worked for me, since I started posting I've been improving my writing skills, and looking for some new words to use on my compositions, I even downloaded a software to help me with the posting process to make it faster and easier.
Maybe I'm not ready for writing a novel, but at least I've improved so much since January, what my ESL Teacher told me was (obviously) true, a fact, there's nothing like practice in order to improve.
I don't know how's going to be my next ESL course on my major, I may not going to have the same teacher, but I hope to have a very experienced and proficient professor as the one I had this semester.
I'm not going to quit posting, I've seen lots of blogs left behind on the Internet, they look like trash while I'm surfing the Internet, I'm sure I don't want to do the same with my blog, that's why I've decided to keep posting even if it's also in Spanish it's ok for me, maybe one day I'll start doing it in french.

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