I want to share this video, it is very special for me, I've seen it so many times because the place where it was filmed it's a very special place for me, I use to spend a lot of time there, that's the place when me and my friends used to go when we skip classes when I was in highschool, and it's a place where I go sometimes with my cousins and we sat there to chat with my aunt who is in USA by using my laptop, anyway I have so many memories of this square. It's the one that appears at the beginning of the video, where is a pink Kiosk.
If you speak Spanish you'll understand what they're talking about but if you don't let me explain you what is about, it's a celebration of the WORLD THEATRE DAY which was created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community. Various national and international theatre events are organized to mark this occasion. Since last year in Tampico there's some kind of parade which starts at Plaza de Armas and finishing at Espacio Cultural Metropolitano which organizes this event.
If you speak Spanish you'll understand what they're talking about but if you don't let me explain you what is about, it's a celebration of the WORLD THEATRE DAY which was created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community. Various national and international theatre events are organized to mark this occasion. Since last year in Tampico there's some kind of parade which starts at Plaza de Armas and finishing at Espacio Cultural Metropolitano which organizes this event.
I couldn't put the video in my blog but here's the link of the report of the event, so you can watch it: http://www.tampicocultural.com.mx/artman/publish/article_841.shtml
Une nuit, dans des temps immémoriaux, un groupe d’hommes s’étaient rassemblés dans une carrière pour se réchauffer autour d’un feu et se raconter des histoires. Quand tout à coup, l’un d’eux eut l’idée de se lever et d’utiliser son ombre pour illustrer son récit. En s’aidant de la lumière des flammes, il fit apparaître sur les murs de la carrière des personnages plus grands que nature. Les autres, éblouis, y reconnurent tour à tour le fort et le faible, l’oppresseur et l’oppressé, le dieu et le mortel.
De nos jours, la lumière des projecteurs a remplacé le feu de joie initial et la machinerie de scène, les murs de la carrière. Et n’en déplaise à certains puristes, cette fable nous rappelle que la technologie est à l’origine même du théâtre et qu’elle ne doit pas être perçue comme une menace, mais comme un élément rassembleur.
La Guarda's re-opening on April 25th @ 8:oo pm (besides Casa de la Cultura, Tampico)
"The theatre of the Shadows", Alternative Theatre's Voice.
Be there!
1 comentario:
Mucho gusto paisano, échale ganas a eso de la traducción, que para ser sincero todavía te falta pero ahí vas por buen camino...
No sé si ya te compraste tu Blackberry, pero por si aún no, creo que en el centro de Tampico ya hay internet inalámbrico en varios kilómetros a la redonda por si llevas tu lap...
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